Celebration Calendars

Graphic of the Vedic Calendar on the left and the National Days Calendar on the right
'Every celebration marks a forward step which adds momentum to the course of evolution.' - Maharishi


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In the Vedic Calendar,
every day is a celebration
of the divine within man.
With the dawn of each new
day, a different quality of
Nature’s intelligence
awakens within us.

Each day is influenced
by the movements of the
planets, stars, the whole
galactic universe, and it
is the Laws of Nature that
give this direction to time,
each day, each hour,
each minute, each second.

The Vedic Calendar on this
site highlights the most
popular celebration days
of the Vedic Calendar year.

Ringing the Bell of
Invincibility for
Every Nation

Maharishi’s programmes are
restoring Vedic Civilization on
earth—raising every individual
to enlightenment and every
nation to enjoy real freedom—
self-sufficiency in invincibility.

Governments will begin to
experience support of Natural
Law—rise of the dignity of
their sovereignty.

Every government will gain
the ability to fulfil their
parental role for their whole

Guru Dev Darshan
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